SME MEMBERSHIP This form of membership is targeted at Small and Medium Enterprises looking to join za.accelerate. Organisation Type Small Company (R0 - R50million/pa turnover) Medium Enterprise (R50 - R250million/pa turnover) Registered Company Name Company URL Economic Sector Aviation Call Centre ICT Logistics Manufacturing Retail Other Is the company/organisation you work for: N/A B2B B2C Hybrid Total Number of Employees 0-20 21-50 51-150 150+ City Country Full Name Email Contact Number How did you hear about za.Accelerate? Attended Town Hall Meeting Email Social Media Speaker at Town Hall Event Referred by a Sponsor Other Send Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Organisation Type *Small Company (R0 - R50million/pa turnover)Medium Enterprise (R50 - R250million/pa turnover)Registered Company Name *Company URL *Economic Sector *AviationCall CentreICTLogisticsManufacturingRetailOtherIs the company/organisation you work for: *N/AB2BB2CHybridTotal Number of Employees0-2021-5051-150150+City *Country *Full Name *Organisation RepresentativeEmail *Contact Number *How did you hear about za.Accelerate? *Attended Town Hall MeetingEmailSocial MediaSpeaker at Town Hall EventReferred by a SponsorOtherSubmit